Two in Technicolor - Andrea of Peanut Butter Handprint!

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Two in Technicolor is a team featuring two lovely bloggers and friends of We Love Colors...
Kimberly of Fashion Momma and Collette of Statements in Fashion!

Every other week Kimberly and Collette will feature a fellow blogger they've recruited to get the scoop on We Love Colors tights. Kimberly and Collette are both fashionistas AND mothers so we're so excited to send them out into the blogosphere with their unique perspectives!

Andrea of Peanut Butter Handprint is a stay at home mom to two boys with some seriously awesome style! She has a simple but classic fashion sense and is extremely aware of fit and comfort. Check out what Andrea had to say about her Nylon/Lycra Microfiber Tights in
Sky Blue!

Womens Tights Microfiber Nylon Lycra Tights

When you are getting ready for your day, does the idea of tights usually get you excited to get dressed?
Since I live in a cooler climate, wearing my favorite skirts and dresses requires me to wear tights 10 out of 12 months per year. Anything that can keep me in my favorite wardrobe pieces year round gets me excited for sure!

We Love Colors has tights for women of all shapes and sizes: How important is fit when it comes to your clothing choices?
Fit is incredibly important to me because when a garment fits well, it is comfortable and flattering. Those two qualities are key when dressing a “Mommy” body.

Do you just throw on what you have, or are you meticulous about everything fitting properly?
I wouldn’t say meticulous, but over the last few years I have definitely gotten more picky about how well my clothing fits me. If it doesn’t fit, it’s going in the Goodwill bag or directly to a friend who can fit into it better than I can.

Comfort is important to most moms, but we generally would like it if our "comfortable clothes" also look awesome! Did you find your We Love Colors tights to fit in the "comfort zone?”
These tights definetely held up to my high standard of comfort! Usually I cannot wait to get my tights off at the end of the day, at the end of my day with WLC I left them on. Right up there with yoga pant comfort. These could even be used under pants as a layering piece for warmth.

What is your favorite color to wear? To decorate with?
My favorite colors to wear are blues and greens because I feel like they accentuate my eyes. I also love those colors in my home.

Why do you love these colors so much?
I find these colors soothing and calming. I guess it doesn’t hurt that I have two boys, I am kind of programmed to love blue!

Compared to tights that you have previously worn, what did you enjoy most about wearing a We Love Colors product (ie: durability, thickness, tag in the back)?
As I previously mentioned, the comfort is unlike any tight I have ever worn. Also, they passed my ring test. Many a pair of tights has been ruined before I even got them all the way on my body, the prongs of my wedding ring would snag them! I pulled these right up with my ringed hand and they were completely un-phased. Overall, the quality of this product cannot be beat!

Thanks so much to our Two in Technicolor team and to Andrea of Peanut Butter Handprint!
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