"Girl Walk/All Day" Project, The power of one smile in motion.

Oh yeah! that's what we are talking about! In We Love Colors we believe that self-expression inspires happiness and positivity. “Girl Walk//All Day” is an amazing testimony to the strength of communication, fun and spontaneity and how a single energetic person can bring a smile to hundreds of others. In a city where individualism seems to rule the streets this girl transforms the gray routine into a colorful special ocasion. “Girl Walk//All Day” project starts in 2010 in New York city when the filmmaker Jacob Krupnick proposed the dancer Anne Marsen to do feature-length dance music video. Since then on, the crew have grown and there are currently 10 very unique dancers joining the team. They have produced up to 12 amazing videos of street dancing actions that inspire others to see the fun side of life. Why selecting only a couple of videos when they are all worthy to see... enjoy! Girl Walk//All Day's website